Product information

Product information
Name:Wrench for Hex Pushrod
Category:ACCESSORIES > Jewellery > Pushrods > Adjustable rods >
Price:2,04€ pc  
Item No:KAV50.2300
Delivery status:contact us
Product information:A special spanner for adjusting the hexagon linkages.
Product photo

Equipments required for models

Pushrod with Hex M3x165mmKAV50.2310
Name: Pushrod with Hex M3x165mm
Price: 6,63€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: contact us
Easy, fast and accurate length adjustment! Adjustable drawbar in the same way as the distances on RC car specials. Made of stainless steel.
Pushrod with Hex, M3x125mmKAV50.2309
Name: Pushrod with Hex, M3x125mm
Price: 5,21€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: contact us
Easy, fast and accurate length adjustment. Made of stainless steel.
Pushrod with Hex M3x61mmKAV50.2307
Name: Pushrod with Hex M3x61mm
Price: 2,71€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: contact us
Easy, fast and accurate length adjustment! Adjustable drawbar in the same way as the distances on RC car specials. Made of stainless steel.
Pushrod with Hex M3x40mmKAV50.2305
Name: Pushrod with Hex M3x40mm
Price: 2,46€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: contact us
Easy, fast and accurate length adjustment! Adjustable drawbar in the same way as the distances on RC car specials. Made of stainless steel.
Pushrod with Hex M2,5x60mmKAV50.2301
Name: Pushrod with Hex M2,5x60mm
Price: 2,29€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: contact us
Easy, fast and accurate length adjustment! Adjustable drawbar in the same way as the distances on RC car specials. Made of stainless steel.