Product information

Product information
Producer:MP Jet
Název zboží:Planetary gearbox 3.33: 1 for Sagami 650 1pc
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Accessories > Gearboxes > Transmissions >
Price:22,00€ pc  
Item No:8054
Delivery status:contact us
Product information:For use in models where the bow of the fuselage is so slim that the misaligned transmission is lack of space. The gearbox is made of metal, except the inner ring gear, which is to ensure low noise plastic glass fiber filled. Satellites and pinion are steel, carburised. 4 mm shaft is mounted on ball bearings. Package includes gearbox, pinion flange screws to fasten the electric motor, screws for mounting the gearbox to the model. Package Contents: 1 pc
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