Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Kevlar thread diam 0,4mm YELLOW 1m
Category:CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL > The others >
ACCESSORIES > Jewellery > Cable >
Price:0,20€ pc  
Item No:02004KEVLAR
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:With enormous tensile strength together with excellent heat and fire resistance the hobby applications for Kevlar thread are bound only by your imagination. Prize per 1m
Product photo

Use it for interplane strut rigging, for super strong binding of undercarriages or even push/pull cabling on aircraft.  For rigging on sailing or static boat models, to re-inforce parts or repairs when using polyester resins. For model rocket parachutes, for fishing or for repairs to canvas tents etc, this stuff is super tough and will stand the test of time.