Product information

Product information
Producer:Mega motor
Název zboží:ACn F3A
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Brushless > Air > MEGA > Mega AC > Mega ACn F3A >
Price:287,00€ pc  
Item No:2022500E
Delivery status:1 week
Product information:Brushless motor MEGA ACn F3A. RPM/850
Product photo

Special brushless motor for aerobatic airplanes category F3A with 10S Li-Po batteries. Recommended too for big airplanes up to 10kg and scale gliders up to 20kg, 8-12S Li-Po or 24-32 Ni-Cd (MH) batteries. Propellers up to 22”, current up to 60A.

Efficiency: 88% (25-30A)

No load current: 1,4A (10V)

Recommended prop: 18-22“ (F3A APC-E 22x12“ and 10S Li-Po)

Recommended controller: JES Advance 90 Acro (HV), TMM 9032-3

Technical data :

No.cells: 8-12S Li-Po (24-38cells Ni-Cd/MH)
Dimensions: ø 44 mm, length 114 mm, ø shaft 5 mm
Weight: 519 g
RPM/1V: 850
            170 behing gear (5:1)
Max. current:  50 A
Slope resistance: 12 mΩ
No. winds: 2