Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Muffler T-81
Category:ENGINES AND ACCESSORIES > Exhausts, silencers and their accessories > Air > JMB > Canister mufflers > 4-chamber "T" >
Price:106,80€ pc  
Item No:K10152
Delivery status:1 week
Remark:on order only
Product information:Chamber "T" Front outlet
Product photo

Shock of the "T" been developed in 2009 for new, more powerful engine range DA and ZDZ. Control principle is used other than in the previous series shock absorbers "M". An important change is the use of high-strength laminated sheet of aluminum alloy shell shock. First, it has the higher attenuation and secondly it allows the shock absorber mounting sleeves of silicon rings at any point, there is no dents mantle. The development of this series participated in shock leading European and world pilots.

Rear outlet: 

SIZE OF ENGINES (ccm) D (mm) L (mm) d (mm) l (mm) A (mm) a (mm) f (mm) g (mm) WEIGHT (g)
70-80 81 300 30 40 375 30 35 16  420
