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Product information
Název zboží:Muffler M 110/80/300-L
Category:ENGINES AND ACCESSORIES > Exhausts, silencers and their accessories > Air > JMB > Canister mufflers > Mufflers 3-chamber "M" >
Price:95,80€ pc  
Item No:K10108-L
Delivery status:1 week
Remark:on order only
Product information:Mufflers 3-chamber "M"
Product photo

Shock Series "M" are checked several years of operation.
These dampers allow for maximum engine power in the effective noise reductionand good dynamics engine.
Shock Series "M" are available in mirror design for mounting two-cylinderengines.
Shock is marked with the letter "L"    



SIZE OF ENGINES (ccm) D (mm) L (mm) d (mm) l (mm) A (mm) a (mm) f (mm) g (mm) WEIGHT (g)
110-160 81 300 32 40  395 40  25 16 360

canister muiffler_M