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Product information
Název zboží:Solarfilm SP lux blue 5m
Category:COVER MATERIALS > Iron-on Films > SOLARFILM > SP Standard > 5m >
Price:29,80€ pc  
Item No:0150-12.5
Delivery status:1 week
Product information:Polyester iron on self adhesive film.Weight 60-80 g.s.m., 48 g.s.m. ( lightweights ) 5m
Product photo


It has high shrink, it is easy to apply.  Hotstretches easily around wing tips and cowls. Has a glossy finish. Resists  all fuelsincluding Glo, diesel and petrol. Is very durable, won’t sag or wrinkle in any condition.


All types of R/C models. On open framemodels Solarfilm Supershrink Polyester covering adds more stiffness than Solarfilm. It can be used on foam veneer if care is taken with iron setting.


Iron-on. Can be painted with Solarlac or trimmed with Solartrim.