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Product information
Název zboží:Wheel Ø200x60mm
Category:ACCESSORIES > Wheels > Solid wheels >
Price:51,50€ pc  
Item No:N3120e
Delivery status:in stock
Remark:price per pair
Product information:Ø200x60 with bearings with the internal diameter 8 mm Price per paar.
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The NoNa wheels give a real improvement in the wheels area for RC planes

The tire have a urethane outer skin and a foam core.

Tread grooved for better a grip.


Light wheels, which can support heavy loads without going flat, which does not remove from rim, and which turns perfectly round.

The dream!


    Tire diameter: 200mm
    Thickness: 60mm
    For wheel axle: Ø8mm ball bearings
    Weight (one piece): 430g

Delivered in pair.