Product information

Product information
Název zboží:1/3 Kolo Scale vintage wheel 237mm (9,33") 2pcs
Category:ACCESSORIES > Wheels > Foam >
Price:137,08€ pc  
Item No:4SZ933V
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product information:Scale oldtimer wheel of 1: 3 with tire foam filling. Diameter 237 mm, weight 575 g, 6.35 mm shaft.
Product photo

Now you can build that vintage aircraft you've always wanted to. Our scale vintage wheels come in three sizes, 1/3 scale (9.33"), 1/4 scale (7") and 1/5 scale (5.60") and are made of lightweight solid foam material which is very durable. The Vintage series was designed from actual wheels of WWI and other early aircraft. Internally, the tire is secured to the hub which is paintable ABS plastic. The axle diameter is 1/4". Each wheel weighs approx. 20.5oz. 2/pkg.