Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Ø90mm wheel with mechanical brake
Category:ACCESSORIES > Wheels > Super light wheels > Hard foam wheels >
Price:39,00€ pc  
Item No:020KB90
Delivery status:in stock
Remark:price per piece
Product information:Hard foam wheel with mechanical brake controlled by bowden.
Product photo

Weight of the set: 105g
Wheel width: 30mm
Total width: 42mm
Shaft: 5mm

Spare parts

Hard wheel 90/33mm without rim, 1 pc02090ALU-2
Název zboží: Hard wheel 90/33mm without rim, 1 pc
Price: 4,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Diameter: 90mm, Width: 33mm, Rim hole diameter: 35mm. Spare part for Alu hard wheels.