Product information

Product information
Producer:Mega motor
Název zboží:Mega RC 400/15/7
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Brushless > Air > MEGA > Mega AC > Outrunner Mega >
Price:54,00€ pc  
Item No: 20401507
Delivery status:1 week
Product information:Brushless motor MEGA with rotating case. RPM 915/1V
Product photo

Brushless electric motor with rotating case.

Size and weight equivalent to product line MIG 400 with much higher efficiency and life time.

NiCd, NiMH, or Li-Pol, Li-ION cells can be used.

Technical data

Recommended power supply: 4-16
Dimensions: ø 28mm, length 36,5mm, ø shaft 3,175mm
Weight:  63 g
RPM/1V: 915
Max. current: 14 A
Slope resistance: 66,5 mΩ
No. winds: 7