Product information

Product information
Producer:Mega motor
Název zboží:Mega RC 41/30/10
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Brushless > Air > MEGA > Mega AC > Outrunner Mega >
Price:132,00€ pc  
Item No:20413010
Delivery status:1 week
Product information:Brushless motor MEGA with rotating case. RPM 600/1V
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Electric motors MEGA RC 41 with rotating case are low revolution motors with high torgue designed for plane models with weight 3 - 6 kg, 10 - 16 cells and from 13x8" to 16x10" propellers.

Technical data

Recommended power supply: 8-12
Dimensions: ø 49,šmm, length 52mm, ø shaft 5mm
Weight: 399g
RPM/1V: 600
Max. current: 45 A
Slope resistance: 14 mΩ
No. winds: 10