Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Servotester HJ
Category:MEASURING DEVICES > Elektronic >
SERVOS > Accessories > Servo tester, programmer, the others >
Price:12,42€ pc  
Item No:2893
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:The servotester is necessary tool for every serious mode builder. I simplifies setup and checking of servos, speed controllers, etc.
Product photo

The servotester is necessary tool for every serious mode builder.

I simplifies setup and checking of servos, speed controllers, etc.
When testing servos, you need neither transmitter not receiver. The possible problems, which can be in the RC signal transmission system, are avoided.


Voltage supply 5-6V
Signal width 800 – 2200 us
The signal width is shown on display.

Set up

Left button SELECT
Setup of the servo controlNastavuje režim řízení serva.

Roght button Puls Width
Seup of the repetition rate of pulses.