Product information

Product information
Název zboží:MIBO Allen Wrench 1.5mm Tip
Category:TOOLS > Hand tools > Fitters tools > Spare drivers > Allen > Metric >
Price:4,13€ pc  
Item No:MB-7521
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product information:Very hard hex tip. Black color.
Product photo

The tip material was custom-made and thoroughly tested to find an optimal balance of hardness. The hex edges are highly resilient from stripping, so if you want a tip, that survives occasional bolt head strips without any harm, this one is for you.
And while it's not advised to use it as a lever, it's still not overly easy to snap.

Technical data:

  • Size of the hex tip: 1.5 mm
  • Length of the tip: 100 mm
  • Inner diameter of the insert: 3.0 mm
  • Tip weight: 5 g

Equipments required for models

MIBO Wrench Handle 3mm HoleMB-7531
Název zboží: MIBO Wrench Handle 3mm Hole
Price: 10,38€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock at supplier
MIBO light black carbon handle with a 3mm diameter hole. Suitable for 1.5mm and 2.0mm hex tip, round file tip and other 3mm diameter tips.

Spare part for models

MIBO Allen Wrench 1.5mmMB-7511
Název zboží: MIBO Allen Wrench 1.5mm
Price: 12,46€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock at supplier
MIBO hex wrench with a light carbon handle and very hard tip. Black handle + black tip. The wrench size is marked on the aluminum insert of the handle.