Product information

Product information
Producer:MP Jet
Název zboží:Ball pin V1, Ø5, M2/2 2pcs
Category:ACCESSORIES > Jewellery > Ball Pins > Ball type pins V1 > Pin diameter 5mm >
Price:1,28€ pc  
Item No:2420
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:The ball links with the M2 Pan Head screw PH, for the M2 pushrod, in three lengths. The set contains nuts M2. 2ks
Product photo

Equipments required

Tightening device for ball links V1 and V2, Ø 5 and plastic clevises length 26 mm96102
Název zboží: Tightening device for ball links V1 and V2, Ø 5 and plastic clevises length 26 mm
Price: 11,70€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: 1 week
Tightening devices are designed to be used in assembling, adjusting or easier tightening of MP JET ball links V1 and V2, dia 5 mm (MPJ 2330-2333, 2420-2443) and MP JET plastic clevises l=26 mm (MPJ 2114-2115) to a pushrod (coupler). The crossbar is axially movable, so it is possible to tighten using the tool even in a part of the model where there is limited space (e.g. right next to the hull or near the rudder).
Tightening device for ball links V1 and V2, Ø 5 and plastic clevises length 30 mm96103
Název zboží: Tightening device for ball links V1 and V2, Ø 5 and plastic clevises length 30 mm
Price: 11,70€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: 1 week
Tightening devices are designed to be used in assembling, adjusting or easier tightening of MP JET ball links V1 and V2, dia 5 mm (MPJ 2330-2333, 2420-2443) and MP JET plastic clevises l=30 mm (MPJ 2130-2135) to a pushrod (coupler). The crossbar is axially movable, so it is possible to tighten using the tool even in a part of the model where there is limited space (e.g. right next to the hull or near the rudder).