Product information

Product information
Producer:Hacker Motor
Název zboží:C54-3D XL Acro 6.7:1 Competition Kv 1310
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Brushless > Air > Hacker > Inrunner > Hacker C54 >
Price:690,00€ pc  
Item No:38798711
Delivery status:2 weeks
Product information:Brushless inrunner motor Ø46x109,8mm, KV1310 RPM/V, weight 520g, shaft 8mm
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Product description and features

Compact 4 pole inrunner motor with 6.7:1 reducting gear and 8 millimeter shaft and propeller adapter.

Delivery contents

Inrunner with reducting gear, propeller adapter kit, GRP spacer ring, special drive grease and mounting and operating manual.