Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Altimeter Altis V4 - KeyPad
Category: >ěření/Výškoměry >
Price:15,08€ pc  
Item No:2339
Delivery status:contact us
Product photo
KeyPad allows setup of basic parameters of the altimeter Altis v4 on the field, without computer.
The KeyPad can be attached to the altimeter into COM A port. The adapter is part of the delivery.

Programmable parameters:
- Motor run time
- Height switch of the motor (or switch disable)
- Motor restart  yes/not
- Contest restart yes/not
- Contest type
The app version at least 3.0.5 and altimeter FW  1.5 must be installed.

Instructions are included in the instructions for Altis v4.