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Product information
Název zboží:Receiver Futaba R 2001SB 2.4GHz
Category: >ádiové řízení/Přijímače >
Price:66,33€ pc  
Item No:3142
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
The weight of the receiver R2001SB is only 4,2g.
It features full range.  It is achieved by the diversity reception system with 2 aerials.
The connction S-FHSS is extremelly rapid.
It can be used with all Futaba transmitters, which support the S-FHSS protocol.
The telemetry, which would slow down the R/C connection, is not used.

There are two output ports only:
- PWM, which can be connected with any conventional servo.
- S.BUS allows to attach up to 8 S.BUS servos
The receiver can be connected with flight control unit via single servocable. It is convenient for racing quads. The receiver is excellent for pilots, which can not afford any radio failure in flight.
 Protocol  S-FHSS
 No. of channels  1 conventional (PWM), 8 S.BUS
 Weight  4,2g
 Dimensions  21x42x5 mm
 Supply voltage  5V
 Voltage F/S  3,8V