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Product information
Název zboží:Wheel Ø125x35
Category:ACCESSORIES > Wheels > Solid wheels >
Price:29,30€ pc  
Item No:N3125e
Delivery status:in stock
Remark:price per pair
Product information:Ø125 x 35mm,with ball bearings. Price per paar
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The tire have a urethane outer skin and a foam core.

Tread grooved for better a grip.

The nylon hub, reinforced and ribbed, is extremely resistant and equipped with two hard plastic inserts in its center. The inserts are bored to 6mm.

Wheels NONA are delivered with ball bearings which can be assembled instead of the inserts. The interior ring of the bearing is reamed with 5mm.

Light wheels, which can support heavy loads without going flat, which does not remove from rim, and which turns perfectly round.

The dream!


    Tire diameter: 125mm
    Thickness: 35mm
    For wheel axle: Ø6mm inserts/Ø5mm ball bearings
    Weight (one piece): 130g approx.

Delivered in pair.