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Product information
Název zboží:Receiver Futaba R 7003SB 2.4GHz
Category: >ádiové řízení/Přijímače >
Price:123,21€ pc  
Item No:3403
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
Compact and lightweight receiver  R 7003SB 2,4 GHz, FASSTest®, 3/18CH has 4 ports which can be used in many different manners. The Rx includes trasmitter of telemetry data, which can be shown on the display of the ground transmitter.

The S.BUS and S.BUS2 ports can command many servos and other gears.

Dimensions 22.5 x 37.4 x 9.3 mm, wight only 7.2 g.
The telemetry Tx, which is included in Rx, can emit signal up to ca. 1000 m distance. The telemetry data are shown on the display of the ground transmitter.

The 4 ports can be used in 11 different methods, A ... K. For example:
  • 3 PWM servos
  • To attach buses S.BUS / S.BUS2
  • It is possible to attach into the CH2 the probe for the external voltahge measurement. The link is part of package.
The receiver cooperates with the systems FASSTest®, which can emit the telemetry data.

Aerial lenght: 14 cm
No. of channels: according to the Tx