Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Accu LiPol Xpower 2200-4S HED (50C)
Category:ACCUMULATORS > Sets > Li-pols > Air > 2000-3500mAh >
Price:50,00€ pc  
Item No:3469
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product information:2200-4S (14,8V), 107x35x30 mm, 224g Max. current load: 50C burst; Charging current up to 5C. Balance connector type JST-XH.
Product photo

The accus are produced by the new G7 technology.

Capacity, nominal voltage: 2200-4S EX (14,8V)

Dimensions, weight: 107x35x30mm, 224g

Max. current load: 50C.
Charging current up to 5C.


Power line connector is XT60H. It is compatible with the XT60.

Balance connector type JST-XH.