Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Accu LiPol Xpower 3300-4S ULT 70C
Category:ACCUMULATORS > Sets > Li-pols > Air > 2000-3500mAh >
Price:88,58€ pc  
Item No:2468
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product information:3300-4S ULTRA70 (14,8V) 138x43x28 mm 353 g Max. current load: 70C continuous. Charging current up to 12C Balance connector type JST-XH.
Product photo

3300-4S ULTRA70 (14,8V)
138x43x28 mm 353 g  
Max. current load: 70C continuous.
Charging current up to 12C

Balance connector type JST-XH.

Datasheet Lipo Dualsky