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Product information
Název zboží:Solarfilm dark blue 5m
Category:COVER MATERIALS > Iron-on Films > SOLARFILM > Standard > 5m >
Price:25,00€ pc  
Item No:0042-13.5
Delivery status:1 week
Product information:Iron on self adhesive plastic film. (polypropylene) Weight 50 to 65 g.s.m. 5m
Product photo


Easy to use with very good shrinkage. Gives a glossy finish in a wide range of colours. Not recommended for diesel or petrol powered models.


General sport R/C models—especially with veneered foam wings and sheet balsa box fuselages. APPLICATION Iron on. Cannot normally be painted unless treated with Prymol first. For decoration use Solartrim


Lightest method for achieving a gloss finish on a model. Easiest to use of any of the covering films.