Product information

Product information
Název zboží:MSPEED EX
Category: >ádiové řízení/Přijímače JETI a přísluš. >
Price:106,83€ pc  
Item No:4167
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
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The Duplex system takes advantage of the 2.4GHz band for communication. This system not only transmits control data to the model but also sends data from the model back to the transmitter. The telemetry data collected during operation is shown as actual, measured values in real time on either LCD screen of a connected JETIBOX or on the DC/DS JETI model transmitters.

MSPEED EX is a sensor which measures the speed of a flying model through the air to provide the indicated airspeed (IAS). The reporting of airspeed can be very instructive with regard to the control of a flying model, for example allowing the pilot to determine the model´s stall speed and set an alarm to indicate when the model falls below this speed.

Another function of the sensor is to allow the pilot to set a desired speed and a step above or below this speed at which an acoustic signal should be sounded by the transmitter module. To facilitate easier reading of the indicated airspeed, a bar graph is displayed, marking the appropriate configured steps. The measurement of airspeed is based on the principle of change in dynamic pressure, measured by a Pitot tube, which is connected by silicon tubing. With the help of the wireless Duplex system, this sensor information can be reported to the pilot in realtime, allowing immediate feedback in airspeed changes and a deviations from the configured steps.

Weight [g]4
Dimensions [mm] 28 x 16 x 5
Operational temperature [°C] -10 to 85
Supply Voltage [V] 3.2 - 8.4
Average Current [mA] 15
Resolution of measured height 0.1
Measurement range300÷1100