Product information

Product information
Name:Steering arm Full 2pcs
Category:ACCESSORIES > Jewellery > Levers > Levers with hub and bearing >
Price:5,38€ pc  
Item No:KAV50.67138
Delivery status:in stock
Product photo

Spare part for models

Sailplane retract gear ø 90mm020116390
Name: Sailplane retract gear ø 90mm
Price: 104,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
For model on a scale 1:4 and to weight 6 kg.
Sailplane retract gear ø 70mm020116370
Name: Sailplane retract gear ø 70mm
Price: 89,50€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
For model on a scale 1:5 and to weight 3,5 kg.