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Product information
Název zboží:Motor HET Typhoon 2W
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Brushless > Air > HET >
Price:57,58€ pc  
Item No:1779
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product information:Typhoon HET 2W Motor 28mm 4600Kv, for pylon / EDF jets up to 1300 grams. Suitable for HET EDF unit 6904, WemoTec Mini Fan or Changesun 70mm or equivalent and HET EDF unit 6404 64mm or equivalent.
Product photo
Product Information: For pylon /EDF jets up to 1300 grams

Suitable for HET EDF unit 6904 or WeMoTec 480 mini fan
-Diameter : 28 mm
-Length : 38 mm
-Shaft Dia. : 3.17 mm
-Weight : 78 grams
-No load current(lo) : 3.0
-Internal resistance: 0.012
-KV : 4600
-No. of poles: 6
-Max Current: 50 A
-Max efficiency: 88%
-Power Nominal: 450 Watts
-Recommended Props: APC E 4.7 X 4.7 (2 cells lipo)
-Advance timing : 18° Middle PWM: 16 Khz