Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Motor HET Typhoon 650-68-2250
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Brushless > Air > HET >
Price:130,96€ pc  
Item No:2208
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
Product Information: Perfectly suits for EDF diam. 90 mm like HET EDF 9305 or Midi.
-Diameter : 36 mm
-Length : 67.5 mm
-Shaft Dia. : 5 mm
-Weight : 300 grams
-Internal resistance: 6.2
-No load current (lo): 3.2 
-Max efficiency: 88% 
-Poles : 4
-No load KV : 2250
-Suggested lipo cells. : 5-6S
-Max amps: 120A (6S)
-Power Nominal: 2100 watts
-Thrust: 2.5kgs (18.5V) / 3.3 kgs (22.2V)

Recommended advance timing : low

Comes with motor heatsink

Specially designed for 9305 and Midi fan units