Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Swivel Headed Pin Vise
Category:TOOLS > Hand tools > Cutting > Other >
Price:12,04€ pc  
Item No:2299
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:Comes with two doubleendedcollets in thehandle with 0″ to .125″(1/8″) capacity range.
Product photo
Drill for easy hand drilling. Fine work can use the sensitivity of finger tips.
Comes with two doubleendedcollets in thehandle with 0″ to .125″(1/8″) capacity range.
Hexagonal head keepsvise from rolling off ofwork surface.
Holds smalltools with round shanksincluding drills, burs,reamers, taps, needles,scribers, etc. Revolvinghead makes drilling fast.4″ overall length