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Product information
Název zboží:Telemetry converter HS
Category: >ěření/Výškoměry >
Price:36,04€ pc  
Item No:3039
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
The AerobTec Telemetry Converter rozšírením Altis zariadení: Altis v4, Altis v4+, Altis Micro, Altis GPS. It enriches Altis Devices by new telemetry protocols of Hitec and Spectrum. The AerobTec Telemetry Converter selects only the essential from the wide range of information obtained during the flight of the aircraft. The essential information for Altis altimeters is the altitude and vario. The Altis GPS, however, works also with time, date and information associated with the coordinates.
  • Rozmery : 18 x 11 x 5mm
  • Hmotnosť : 1.2g without cables
  • Rozsah napájacieho napätia : 4 – 8.4V
  • Podpora telemetrie pre Futaba® S.Bus2 System, FrSky® Smart-Port(S.Port)
  • Kompatibilita:
      - Altis v4+ & Altis v4 verzia firmvéru 2.0 a vyššie
      - Altis Micro verzia firmvéru 1.2 a vyššie
      - Altis GPS verzia firmvéru 1.0 a vyššie
      - Altis Fliht Manager verzia 4.0.0 a vyššie