Product information

Product information
Název zboží:GEMINI 3018
Category: >átory/Externí BEC >
Price:291,17€ pc  
Item No:3632
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
Power supplied hub for 3 S.BUS inputs

Up to 16 PWM channels and 2 switches.
Input voltage 4,8 - 8,4V
Max. current up to 20A
LED indication
Switch on      white LED 1 sec
High speed signal S.BUS working       blue
Low speed signal S.BUS working      green
Error, signal lost                             red
Connector association

 1  Supply 2S
 2  Switch
 3  3 S.BUS inputs
 4  Outputs PWM 1-4
 5  Outputs PWM 5-8
 Outputs PWM 9-12
 Outputs PWM 13-16
 8  Output DG1
 Output DG2
 Indication LED