Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Maxi Fuel Filter, 50 pcs.
Category:ENGINES AND ACCESSORIES > Accessories > Fuel pipes, tanks and accessories > Fuel filters >
Price:270,79€ pc  
Item No:KAV0277/50
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo

Maxi Fuel Filter

The large filtering area cleans the dirt from the fuel while allowing the fuel to continue flowing. The unique design allows you to open the aluminum fuel filter without first having to remove the fuel line from the filter‘s nipple. Includes Standard Filter (No. KAV0277.1).

Filter can be used for fuel and kerosene

ø 10 mm (0.39“) x length 36.5 mm (1- 7/16“). For fuel lines with inside-ø 2 mm (5/64“) to 3 mm (1/8“). Weight: 3.7 g (.13 oz).