Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Frame SR KST X10, bearing
Category: >ámečky >
Price:11,33€ pc  
Item No:3909
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
The frame is designed for flat servo of line KST X10. Another ball bearing is added.
The frame material is very rigid plastic.
The frame is suitable for servos KST X10, X10mini, DS 125MG, DS 135MG, DS225MG HV.
The complete assembly is of same thickness as the servo. The servo is attached with two screws. Very easy to remove if necessary.
Another ball bearing provides perfect support for the servo shaft. The shaft load is decreasedm while the accuracy is improved.
The frame serves for both left and right wing.
The high accuracy  allows to use the IDS link system (Internal Drive System). Very short servo arm and control surface horn can be used and the complete system can be hidden into the wing.
The aerodynamic drag is lowered.
Technical data:
Dimensions: 62 x 45 x 11 mm, weight: 5 g
Made in Germany.