Product information

Product information
Name:Gracia Maxi Stickers (imitation carbon)
Category:ACCESSORIES > Stickers > Sets for kits >
Price:13,50€ pc  
Item No:020121-7CARBON
Delivery status:in stock
Product photo

If you are interested in a different color combination than we offer, please contact us.

We can supply any part of this set separately.
Price and color on request.

Equipments required for models

Name: Gracia MAXI (uncovered kit - ready to cover)
Price: 413,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Light thermic electric glider for competitions flying F5J. Wingspan 3,52 m. Color: transparent (outer wing/middle wing).
Name: Gracia Maxi 3,52m Wings (uncovered - ready to cover)
Price: 367,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Part of the wing is small accessories for installation of servos. Not covered.

Spare part for models

Gracia MAXI020121ARF
Name: Gracia MAXI
Price: 544,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Light thermic electric glider for competitions flying F5J. Wingspan 3,52 m. Color: transparent (outer wing/middle wing).