Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Bowden tube M 1,5 (Inner diameter for the wire 0,6mm) 1m
Category:ACCESSORIES > Jewellery > Pushrods > Individual parts for pushrods >
Price:0,28€ pc  
Item No:M007012
Delivery status:in stock
Remark:price per piece
Product information:Bowden tube made from high quality plastic, low friction and low thermal expansivity. Length 1m. color: creme
Product photo

Equipments required for models

Steel wire 0.6mm, 1000mmKAV60.519.0,6
Název zboží: Steel wire 0.6mm, 1000mm
Price: 0,33€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Spring steel wire suitable for landing gears, wing joiners, shafts, struts, tailwheel systems, etc.