Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Landing gear axle Ø8 x 361mm Spare part STD II
Category:ACCESSORIES > Jewellery > Wheel Shaft >
Price:4,30€ pc  
Item No:020D02-5
Delivery status:in stock
Remark:price per piece
Product information:Stainless wheel shaft Ø8 x 361mm. Spare part for Sailplane Take-off Dolly II. Weight: 141g.
Product photo

Spare part for models

Sailplane Take-off Dolly II020D02
Název zboží: Sailplane Take-off Dolly II
Price: 99,00€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
Kit of Sailplane Take-off Dolly for models with a fuselage width up to 265 mm.