Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Fuel Pipes for Gas 5x3mm Red
Category:ENGINES AND ACCESSORIES > Accessories > Fuel pipes, tanks and accessories > Tubings >
Price:6,21€ pc  
Item No:KAV50.1035R
Delivery status:contact us
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Equipments required

Copper fuel tank nipple L M8 for FuelKAV50.1031
Název zboží: Copper fuel tank nipple L M8 for Fuel
Price: 5,38€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: contact us
Outer diameter 4,8/4,2mm. Inner diameter 2,6mm. Suitable for commonly used fuel tubes.
Copper fuel tank nipple Straight M8KAV50.1030
Název zboží: Copper fuel tank nipple Straight M8
Price: 4,13€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: contact us
Outer diameter 5/4,2mm. Inner diameter 3mm. Overal length 31mm. Suitable for commonly used fuel tubes.
Copper fuel tank nipple L M8 for AirKAV50.1032
Název zboží: Copper fuel tank nipple L M8 for Air
Price: 3,29€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: contact us