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Product information
Název zboží:MIBO Spare Magnets for Body Mount
Category:CAR KITS AND ACCESSORIES > accessories > Bodies > Decals and accessories >
Price:2,04€ pc  
Item No:MB-9331-1
Delivery status:contact us
Product information:2 pairs of strong neodymium magnets with hole and chamfer for flat head M3 screw. The outer diameter is 10 mm, height is 3 mm. Each pair has an opposite polarization, so the chamfers for screw heads face towards each other.
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Package includes:

  • 2 pcs 10x3 magnets with N polarization
  • 2 pcs 10x3 magnets with S polarization

Spare part for models

MIBO Stealth Magnetic Front Body Mount for DriftMB-9331
Název zboží: MIBO Stealth Magnetic Front Body Mount for Drift
Price: 19,54€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock at supplier
Adjustable aluminum front body mount for drift cars with strong 10mm magnets and hidden structure for clean look of the chassis.