Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Wooden propeller KAVAN 28x10 2-blade natural
Category:PROPELLERS > Nitro > Wooden > Two blades >
Price:56,21€ pc  
Item No:KAV50.1.2810
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product information:KAVAN high-quality wooden propellers were constructed with the help of the latest software and are produced using the newest and most advanced CNC machines. Their profile and shape are optimized to ensure high efficiency throughout the range of operating speeds. The unique shaping of the leaf ends contributes to achieving low noise propellers. Whether you mount them on a "glow plug" or "gasoline" your KAVAN propeller is your choice to "hold" your aerobatic model or dummy in the air! KAVAN propellers are designed and manufactured in the Czech Republic.
Product photo

Equipments required for models

Motor GP 123 ccm V2 včetně tlumiče a příslušenstvíGPM123
Název zboží: Motor GP 123 ccm V2 včetně tlumiče a příslušenství
Price: 1187,08€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock at supplier
Letecký benzínový plochý dvouválcový motor s objemem 123 ccm a výkonem 12 koní , provozní otáčky 1500–8900 ot./min, hmotnost motoru 2300 g + expanzní tlumič 330 g + zapalování 202 g. Vhodný pro provoz s expanzními i laděnými tlumiči výfuku.