Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Fibreglass Cloth 110g/m2 2m
Category:CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL > Fibreglass textile >
Price:14,13€ pc  
Item No:KAV60.1320336
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:100 cm X 2 m
Product photo

Equipments required

EPOXY L285 200+80g hardener5MA40052
Název zboží: EPOXY L285 200+80g hardener
Price: 22,04€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
High-quality two-component epoxy resin for lamination. Packing 200 g + 80 g hardener.
EPOXY L285 100+40g with hardener5MA40053
Název zboží: EPOXY L285 100+40g with hardener
Price: 14,13€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock
High-quality two-component epoxy resin for lamination. 100g package + 40 g hardener.