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Product information
Název zboží:Li-Po METER
Category:ACCUMULATORS > Accessories >
ACTION > Accessories >
Recommended price:19,30 (-50% discount)
Price:9,65€ pc  
Item No:099LIMETER
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:Can to check voltage of each cell of a 2 to 4-cell battery pack. Li-Po METER instrument indicates voltage of each cell of a LiPo pack during charging process with XPower charger (when connected to the charger with #09948595 interface unit delivered in the set).
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Li-Po METER instrument indicates voltage of each cell of a LiPo pack during charging process with XPower charger (when connected to the charger with #09948595 interface unit delivered in the set). Can also be used alone to check voltage of each cell of a 2 to 4-cell battery pack.

You know exactly what is inside your battery pack and how it is balanced.


  • Check voltage of 2 to 4-cell LiPo battery packs
  • Weight: 44g
  • Dimensions:85x39x17mm
  • LCD Display dimensions: 64X13mm

Equipments required for models

Accu LiPol Xpower 180-2S ULT 50C3146
Název zboží: Accu LiPol Xpower 180-2S ULT 50C
Price: 6,50€ vložit zboží do košíku
Delivery status: in stock at supplier
180-2S ULT (7,4V), 45x12x12mm, 12g, Max. current load: 50C, Charging current up to 2C.