Product information

Product information
Název zboží:ORALIGHT 2m Transparent violet (58)
Category:COVER MATERIALS > Iron-on Films > ORACOVER > ORALIGHT > 2m >
Price:29,13€ pc  
Item No:31-058-002
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:Weight: 36 g/m2; The width is 60 cm, lenght 2m.
Product photo


ORALIGHT (serie 31) is the total weight of only 36 g / m 2, including iron-on adhesive "light weight". ORALIGHT is used wherever it depends on achieving the lightest weight model. Properties and processing are the same as Oracover.

Weight: according to the hue: 64-109 g / m2
Shrinkage: 5% biaxially, 1% linear temperature increase of 10%, based on 150 st.Celsia
The minimum tensile strength, longitudinal / transverse: 175/150 N / mm 2
Minimum elongation at break, the longitudinal / transverse: 75/60%

The width is 60 cm.