Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Metal Flybar Control Lever Set
Category:MULTICOPTERS AND ACCESSORIES, HELI > HELI > Spare parts > Align > 450 >
Price:8,75€ pc  
Item No:HS1204T
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo

T-REX metal flybar control lever set features high precise double bearing structure and high rigid CNC processes aluminum alloy material, and therefore this refitting component is absolutely helpful for the accuracy of flying movement control and the stable of the flight.

?Metal washout control arm x 2
?Washout arm x 2
?Collor x 2(Φ1.4xΦ3x2.4mm)
?Washer x 4(Φ2xΦ3.6x0.2mm)
?Washer x 2(Φ2xΦ3.6x0.5mm)
?Bearing MR52ZZ x 4(Φ2xΦ5x2.5mm)
?Stainless steel ball link x 2(Φ4.75x4.59mm)
?Cross screw x 2(M2x6.5)
?Collar Screw x 2(M2x8)
?M1.4 collar Screw x 2(M1.4x6.5)