Product information

Product information
Název zboží:Motor Phasor Race 2014/5100 2D
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Brushless > Air > Jeti Phasor >
Price:325,50€ pc  
Item No:J-MPR-2014/51
Delivery status:1 week
Product information:Phasor - high power brushless motors that excel in great efficiency and durability.
Product photo

Phasor  - high power brushless motors that excel in great efficiency and durability.

Phasor motors are designed mainly for race model disciplines, but it can be used also when flying recreationally. They excel at their power, high efficiency at all load levels and they have a very low weight.

Phasor Race 2014 product line is suitable for large scale motor gliders up to 4kg, undemanding hotliners, FAI F5J competition models etc. 

Weight [g] 220
Dimensions [mm] 38 x 38 x 67
Supply Voltage [V] 9 - 17
Batteries NiXX 9 - 12
Batteries LiXX 3 - 4
Peak current (max 5s) [A] 120
Maximum RPM [1/min] 70000
Output shaft diameter [mm] 6
Gear ratio 6.75:1
Timing [°] 8 - 12
Max continous power [W] 750
Poles 4
RPM/V 5100


Manual for Phasor Race - English


 Phasor Race 20xx EN Manual.pdf