Product information

Product information
Name:Servo KST MS-320MG
Category:SERVOS > Micro > Digital >
Price:57,50€ pc  
Item No:2967
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo

Most unusual servo KST MS320.

Alu case, digital, coreless motor.
The motor diameter is the same as the servo width.
Small servo with high power.

The main novelty is the magnetic probe instead of common pot. The mechanical contact, which can be source of issues, was removed.
The probe also allows to increase the range of the arm rotation:

Common signal width 1-2 ms  ... range +/- 50 deg
Signal width 0,5 - 2,5 ms ... range  +/- 100 deg
Other parameters:

 Dimensions 22x11,5x27mm
 Weight 19g
 Voltage range
 6 - 8,4V
 4,50kgcm (6V)
 5,50kgcm (7,4)
 0,09s/60deg (6V)
 0,08s/60deg (7,4V)