Product information

Product information
Name:Xmotor XM5060EGL-12 (400)
Category:ELECTRIC MOTORS > Brushless > Air > Dualsky > EG, EGL (long shaft) >
Price:168,29€ pc  
Item No:3846
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo

Motor EA5060 V3 with extension for big gliders of up to 12kg weight.

Diameter 49,5mm, length 108,2mm, weight 435g (incl. ectension), max. power (15s) 2100W, peak current 90A
KV 400

Shaft dia. 6mm

Recommended props:
6S: 17X8, 18x8, 18x10
8S: 15x8, 16x8

Instructions manual (PDF)

Podrobná tabulka dat motorů EA5060 V3 (PDF)

Motocalc E-calc