Product information

Product information
Name:TORINO glider kit 380mm
Category:AEROPLANE KITS FROM OTHER MANUFACTURERS > Free flight > Hl gliders >
Price:8,29€ pc  
Item No:KAV02.8000
Delivery status:contact us
Product information:Full balsa throw with a span of 380 mm. Excellent flying model with easy and fast construction of laser-cut parts for the pleasure of beginners and advanced modelers.
Product photo

Full balsa throw with a span of 380 mm. Excellent flying model with easy and fast construction of laser-cut parts for the pleasure of beginners and advanced modelers.

It is ideal as the very first model to be built in tens of minutes. Thanks to precision laser-cut parts you will not spend a lot of time grinding and cutting, but you will quickly reach the target with only acetone glue (UHU-hart etc.) and pins.

Kit contains: laser-cut parts of the fuselage, wings and tail surfaces, instruction manual.

The Torino has been designed and manufactured in the Czech Republic.