Product information

Product information
Name:Servo Dualsky DS169
Category:SERVOS > Micro > Digital >
Price:23,33€ pc  
Item No:4016
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
Dualsky DS 169 - 8,5mm, 9g, 2,8Kgcm
Horizontal flanges.

The DS 169 light low/med/high voltage thin servo. It is especially good for requrements of small models.
The DS 169 can be operated from a voltage as low as 3,8V (1S LiPo) or as high as 8,4V (2S LiPo). Dualsky improved its geartrain machining tolerances, and this servo is completely slop free, and equal to products costing twice as much. 

The Dualsky DS 169 high torque, good speed, 8,5 mm thinness and reasonable price make it suitable for many glider. With up to 2,8kgcm torque the servo is appropriate for F3L (RES) and  many types of other high performance models.

DS 169 Specifications
Body dimensions 23,5 x 8,5 x 24 mm
Torque (6V)  2,3 kgcm
Torque (7,4V)  2,80 kgcm
Weight  9 g
Operating speed 
Operating speed (6V) 0.08 sec/60°
Operating speed (7,4V) 0.06sec/60°
Operating voltage 3,8V to 8,4V
Bearings 2 ball bearing
Gear material Aluminium alloy / copper-bronze alloy
Case material Plastic
Motor type Coreless DC motor
Working frequency 333 Hz
Digital Yes
Programmable No