Product information

Product information
Name:MAXI-CURE 1oz thick
Category:MODELLER CHEMISTRY > Glues > Cyanoakrylates > Cyano >
Price:7,50€ pc  
Item No:1265
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo

MAXI-CURE™ extra thick CA is the best CA for most plastics, including GE’s Lexan MAXI-CURE™ is the best choice for plastic model assembly. When used with INSTA-SET™, it works better than any putty for modifying or filling voids. It can be carved with a knife or razor blade and sanded and feathered to form a finish indistinguishable from plastic.

MAXI-CURE™ bonds fiberglass, hardwood, metal and rubber better than any other hobby adhesive. For gluing to the inside, clothtextured surface of fiberglass, scrape the area to be bonded with a razor blade or coarse sandpaper before using MAXI-CURE™ or any other adhesive. It also is best for bonding the tires for R/C cars.

How to use CA          FAQ

Kyanoakrylátové lepidlo
H315 Dráždí kůži.
H319 Způsobuje vážné podráždění očí.
H335 Může způsobit podráždění dýchacích cest.


EUH202 Kyanoakrylát. Nebezpečí. Okamžitě slepuje kůži a oči. Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí.