Product information

Product information
Name:ESC Dualsky SUMMIT 60 BEC 6V
Category:CONTROLLERS > Brushless > Air > From 50A >
Price:76,04€ pc  
Item No:4155
Delivery status:in stock at supplier
Product photo
The SUMMIT 60 is for model airplanes, especially electric gliders, and is equipped with a powerful BEC.
The regulator is designed for power supply from a 2S-6S LiPo battery. The max.current is 60A.
UBEC 8V, 5A.
All SUMMIT 60 controllers are ultra-small and, above all, narrow, which greatly facilitates their use in electric gliders.
This makes these regulators one of the smallest on the market!

Note: Programming only through the "BLHeli_32" application in the BLHeli Suite Configurator.

Basic settings as delivered

Direction of rotation: normal
Engine Timing: Auto
Throttle lever min. 1040
Throttle lever max. 1960
Undervoltage shutdown: 3V
Brake setting: 80%, activated
PWM frequency: 24kHz
Weight: 34g including cables and connectors

Recommnded settings for E-gliders:
The default 80% brake is for aerobatics, for glider: please set the "brake on stop" to 100%, and "Non damped mode" to OFF
The detailed instructions for use are in English.
The SUMMIT 60 regulator is designed for power supply from a 2S-6S LiPo battery. The max.current is 60A.
UBEC 6V, 5A.
All SUMMIT 60 controllers are ultra-small and, above all, narrow, which greatly facilitates their use in electric gliders.
This makes these regulators one of the smallest on the market!

Note: Programming only through the "BLHeli_32" application in the BLHeli Suite Configurator.