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Product information
Name:Hatch latch metal
Category:ACCESSORIES > Jewellery > Cabin latch, magnet sets >
Price:8,90€ pc  
Item No:066601
Delivery status:in stock
Product information:Aluminium. Dimensions: platinum aluminum: 25x15mm, total length 37.5 mm, diameter pin: 3.9 mm, stroke: 10mm, weight: 5g.
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Milled aluminum, this lock is particularly rigid and resistant. Perfectly done, it will close your windows safely and effectively. The control lever is terminated by a brass ball screwed for comfort and handling as for aesthetics.


    * Platinum aluminum: 25x15mm approx.
    * Total length 37.5 mm approx.
    * Diameter pin: 3.9 mm approx.
    * Stroke: 10mm approx.
    * Weight: 5g approx.